
The Department of Biomedical Sciences, located on the north side of the complex Vallisneri was launched on March 1, 1992.

The scientific activity of the Department is held in collaboration with several national and international institutions. The topics of study and research of the various laboratories are described in the section on scientific activities. The research carried out focus on different and complementary aspects of cellular and molecular biology, cell physiology, molecular pathology and experimental pharmacology with implications for genetic diseases and degenerative, inflammatory processes and malignancies.

The scientific activity of the Department is funded by institutional funds (MIUR, CNR, ASI, the European Community, by private foundations (AIRC, Telethon, etc..), From international institutions (NIH, HSF) and Private Companies.

Within the Department of Biomedical Sciences work 1 Section of the CNR Institute of Neuroscience (merged CNR Center for the Study of Biomembranes and Centre for the Study of Muscle Biology and Pathophysiology) staffed (8 researchers and 4 technicians) and self-financing.

The Department is associated with the Interdepartmental Research Center for Innovative Biotechnologies (CRIBI), University of Padova, actively contributing to scientific research and services that take place there.

The department has a close association with the vimm (Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine), located a short distance structure in which they operate some of the professors and researchers of the Department.