Title: Associate Professor
Telephone: 049 827-6863
Personal Website: [link]
Group Website: [link]
1988 MD degree (University of Padua)
1992 Specialist Diploma in Neurology (University of Padua)
1992-2010 Assistant Professor in Physiology
2010- Associate Professor in Physiology (DBS, University of Padua)
Nervous system function is dedicated to translate, generate and process informations in a binary code based on neuronal electrical response: the action potential.
These coding binary informations are exchanged from one neuron to the other connected by synapses in both simple and complex circuits.
The aim of our research is to understand:
To reach this aim we utilize as animal model the fruitfly, in which
PRIN 2011-2013 (PI)
CaRiPaRo 2008-2010 (Participant)
Assegni di Ricerca di Ateneo 2008-2009; 2010-2011 (PI)