Title: C.N.R. Senior Scientist
Telephone: 049 827-6053
Group Website: [link]
Present position:
Senior Researcher, Italian National Research Council (CNR), Neuroscience Institute at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, Italy
Doctor in Chemistry, University of Padova, Italy, (June 16, 1982)
Positions and honors:
2003-present: Senior Researcher, CNR Neuroscience Institute
1986-2002: Researcher, CNR
1989-1991: NATO-CNR Senior Fellow, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley (USA)
1998: Visiting Scientist, Center for Biomedical Imaging Technology, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut(USA).
1983-1986: Research Assistant, CNR
Study of coupling mechanisms of the reactions of mitochondrial proton pumps to the translocation of protons across the membrane and role of proton electrochemical gradient as energy coupling intermediate between the proton pumps.
Electrophysiological investigation of ionic channels in bacterial and mitochondrial
membranes by patch-clamp technique.
Study of transport mechanisms of ABC transporters by characterization of the bacterial histidine permease and its reconstitution in proteoliposomes.
Characterization of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and study of its involvement in the pathways to programmed and accidental cell death.